243 Is KING | Your SBR SUCKS - Arkayne


243 Is KING | Your SBR SUCKS

  • January 15, 2025
  • By Brenton
Your SBR Sucks

Many of you are in love with an SBR or AR pistol and it shows. You have no long game, no vision in the dark and my grandma with grandpas aught-six could prolly out shoot you. Jokes aside, your SBR sucks when it comes to long range shooting. 243 is the king of the darkness at range and we think everyone should at least once consider building a rifle capable in the dark at distance.

243 is king
243 is king
243’s Background

A 243 case is simply a 308 case necked down to 6mm, a little background knowledge goes a long way. The only thing different from a 243 to a 308 AR10 is the barrel bore is cut at 6mm and not .30 cal.


Parts List

My 243 started off as a SLR B30 builders set. So it came with the lower upper and rail as a set.

I then grabbed an adjustable gas block from SLR as well to fit the barrel profile I chose. SLR’s .750 adjustable gas blocks are the best. In addition, its required in order to get the rifle to run with a suppressor on a rifle length gas tube with the barrel specs I purchased. This is what makes my 243 the king of the darkness.

I also grabbed a Radian CH from SLR.

Ethan's 243 Hunting Build
Ethan’s 243 Hunting Build

The Geissele G2S was my go to trigger in this build. This gives me the industries cleanest break accompanied with a trigger weight pull that’s not to light for running and gunning after coyotes.

The Barrel is simply a 24” 6mm 243 barrel From Carbon Six. I picked 1-10 twist as a middle of the road twist that is capable of stabilizing both the lighter and mid weight bullets I’m running. My round of choice is a 58gr Hornady Superformance round going about 3900FPS outta the 24” barrel. This load provides the flattest part of the trajectory at basically 50-350 yards. I can use the same hold to make hits on yotes. The Carbon fiber barrel is very light keeping my total field carrying weight down.

For the BCG I grabbed a 308 BCG from ADM. It comes with the right bolt face for a 308/243 case. It was perfect for the barrel and SLR Builders set.

I obviously skipped some small stuff like muzzle device and hand grip, etc. But that’s a very personal-preference kinda decision. If I did miss any critical details don’t hesitate to email us and ask.

Which Thermals Right for a rifle like this?

If your gonna spend this much on a rifle you should probably put the best of the best thermal on the gun. I would obviously recommend an InfiRay Outdoor model of some flavor like the TX60C! Having a thermal with a higher base magnification of 3X or more really helps with those longer range shots. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our email when you are ready to grab a thermal unit for your build. We would love to see pictures of your build and help you get into the long range thermal of your dreams! CS@arkayne.com


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